The 12th Zhejiang Provincial Collegiate Programming Contest

The 12th Zhejiang Provincial Collegiate Programming Contest - Onsite
A Ace of Aces 47.17% (267/566)
B Team Formation 17.88% (83/464)
C Convex Hull 11.36% (5/44)
D Beauty of Array 28.75% (90/313)
E Floor Function 0.56% (1/178)
F Permutation Graph 0.00% (0/27)
G Lunch Time 59.10% (237/401)
H May Day Holiday 40.06% (264/659)
I Earthstone Keeper 3.47% (5/144)
J Convert QWERTY to Dvorak 23.33% (210/900)
K Capture the Flag 12.12% (45/371)
L Demacia of the Ancients 71.86% (304/423)


The 12th Zhejiang Provincial Collegiate Programming Contest - Online
A Ace of Aces 49.03% (383/781)
B Team Formation 21.22% (97/457)
C Convex Hull 15.78% (6/38)
D Beauty of Array 26.80% (100/373)
E Floor Function 4.47% (3/67)
F Permutation Graph 5.88% (2/34)
G Lunch Time 66.73% (309/463)
H May Day Holiday 41.63% (291/699)
I Earthstone Keeper 3.22% (2/62)
J Convert QWERTY to Dvorak 25.29% (238/941)
K Capture the Flag 27.45% (28/102)
L Demacia of the Ancients 89.00% (413/464)

这个是同步赛过题的情况. 水题偏多, 基本上每题都有人过, 虽然现场F题没有人过. E题原本是作为压轴的智商题的, 过的人还是有不少的.

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ZOJ Comments(5) Sun, 26 Apr 2015 23:33:37 +0800

The 15th Zhejiang University Programming Contest

The 15th Zhejiang University Programming Contest - Onsite
A Find the Spy 48.59% (104/214)
B Valid Pattern Lock 18.59% (66/355)
C Intersection 15.55% (7/45)
D Paths on the Tree 0.00% (0/15)
E Quiz for EXO-L 18.60% (8/43)
F Superbot 26.12% (29/111)
G Cylinder Candy 57.14% (36/63)
H Earthstone: Easy Version 53.92% (103/191)
I GCD Expectation 7.14% (1/14)


The 15th Zhejiang University Programming Contest - Onilne
A Find the Spy 63.48% (433/682)
B Valid Pattern Lock 20.06% (197/982)
C Intersection 32.60% (15/46)
D Paths on the Tree 0.00% (0/5)
E Quiz for EXO-L 2.99% (7/234)
F Superbot 28.09% (93/331)
G Cylinder Candy 32.64% (63/193)
H Earthstone: Easy Version 45.75% (383/837)
I GCD Expectation 26.47% (27/102)

这个是同步赛过题的情况. D题没有人过, I题挺old的, 同步赛过了一大片人, 现场却没几个人过, 其他题目都还好.

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ZOJ Comments(4) Mon, 13 Apr 2015 20:57:26 +0800